Coronary Artery Disease Management

CAD or coronary artery disease impacts the coronary arteries in our body that carry blood to our heart. If you have coronary artery disease, one or more of your coronary arteries may be affected that is it can be blocked or narrowed down. The most common symptom of CAD is angina which is you will feel chest pain. Coronary artery disease can cause a heart attack or other consequences like heart failure or arrhythmia.

CAD or coronary artery disease is a disease that means the blocking or narrowing of the coronary arteries which is typically caused by plaque formation. Coronary arteries pass blood filled with oxygen to your heart. The plaque accumulation constrains the blood amount that can proceed to these arteries. Until you suffer a heart attack, you can have CAD and not even be aware of it. CAD is a “silent killer” because of this.

Additional names for CAD include ischemic heart disease and coronary heart disease (CHD). These are also referred to as heart diseases in general.

Coronary artery disease types

There are basically two types of Coronary artery disease. They are:

  • Stable ischemic heart disease
  • Acute coronary syndrome

Coronary artery disease detection

Doctors can determine coronary artery disease through laboratory studies and physical examinations. The doctor follows the following steps for a physical examination:

  • Use a stethoscope to check out your heart condition.
  • Inquire about your medical background.
  • Take your blood pressure reading.
  • Ask about your symptoms and about how long you are facing the symptoms.
  • Inquire about your ancestry.
  • Inquire about your way of living.

Your doctor will be able to assess your risk of heart disease with the aid of all this information.

Treatment of coronary artery disease

Medications, risk factor management, and lifestyle modifications are frequently used as CAD treatments. A procedure or surgery could also be advantageous for some persons.

The ideal course of treatment for you will be discussed with you by your healthcare professional. It’s imperative to adhere to your treatment plan if you want to lower your chance of suffering from severe CAD issues.

Alterations in way of life

Changing one’s way of life is important for managing CAD. These alterations include:

  • Don’t use any tobacco products, smoke, or vape.
  • Exercise. Walk for at least 30 minutes possibly five days a week.
  • Consume a diet low in sodium, saturated fat, trans fat, and sugar for a healthy heart. The risk of having a heart attack or stroke is demonstrated to be reduced by the Mediterranean diet.
  • Drink in moderation.


You can use medications to both manage your risk factors and treat the signs and symptoms of coronary artery disease. One or more of the drugs on the following list may be recommended by your doctor.

  • prescription drugs to decrease cholesterol.
  • medications to lessen the chance of blood clots.
  • medicines suggested lessening blood pressure.
  • drugs to treat stable angina.

Risk factor control

The progression of your condition can be slowed down by controlling your CAD risk factors. Manage the following conditions in conjunction with your provider:

  • Elevated blood pressure.
  • Diabetes.
  • Elevated triglycerides (hypertriglyceridemia).
  • Elevated cholesterol.
  • Overweight/obesity.

Is there a cure for coronary artery disease?

Coronary artery disease is incurable. However, you can control your illness and stop it from growing worse. Follow your treatment plan while cooperating with your healthcare practitioner. You will have the best chance of living a long and healthy life if you take this action. Port Charlotte Cardiology can guide you more on Coronary artery disease management.